Tuesday 29 November 2011


After looking thoroughly through my research in the past, present and the horizon of the terms; "duelling" and "diesel" I've come to understand how they have changed in popularity over the years and i have made some educated predictions on how they will change in the future.


I predict that Diesel's uses will start to die down within the next 10-20 years and maybe even be completely replaced withing the next 50-100 years, This is due to the ever increasing effectiveness of electric engines as well as the cleaner alternative fuels.

I further predict that as the fuel grows more and more redundant, I believe that its sense of nostalgia will grow and so will its popularity in culture and media. This trend is similar to "steampunk" a popular culture that grew as the use of copper and brass became obsolete. (Jrrl, 2011). what is steampunk. I believe "dieselpunk" will follow an incredibly similar trend and that when the fuel is phased out, its popularity will grow as steampunks natural successor. I predict the increase in popularity of dieselpunk will grow over the next 2-5 years and truly boom in the next 20-30 years.

My research in all sections show a very clear trend with diesel showing that it started out as a popular fuel source but has declined over the years and in the future its almost certain that it will decline to the point of being obsolete. (Stong, D, 2008) Does diesel have a future?

"Thanks to high fuel costs, tough-to-meet emissions targets and growing competition for scarce fossil fuel resources, the engine once championed for its efficiency and cost-effectiveness is finished."(Stong, D, 2008) Does diesel have a future?

My diesel research in the present day, as a fuel its been riddled with change and controversy over the years due to the debates of global warming and its adverse affects to acid rain. (Brain, M 2005). How Diesel Engines Work. This boom of controversy sparked the searches and development of renewable fuels such as solar power, wind power and eco friendly fuels such as bio diesel. This "energy race" is a growing trend that has still yet to die down and if anything.


My research into dueling in wars shows a very clear trend of health and safety being on the rise more than anything as the major changing factor. I predict that due to the increase of less lethal weaponry and health and safety, future warfare will replace soldiers with unmanned remote control robots as the trend of health and safety leads to a more "impersonal" form of warfare.

For dueling in competitive sports, the health and safety trend is very similar, with health and safety constantly on the rise. I believe this trend is going to carry on expanding over the next 10-20 years until competitive sports themselves will have little to no physical dangers or contact. as well as The increasing trend of health and safety affecting wars, making them less and less dangerous to the soldiers fighting it.
 (Bonsor, K 2011) the pain beam

While looking into the past and present of my research, dueling isn't on the decline, although it has changed and evolved from what it initially was. Traditional duelling was originally pre-arranged combat between two individuals with either pistols or rapiers whereas nowadays traditional dueling can only be really seen as wars themselves or as modern sporting events such as fencing or boxing with a small chance of causing fatal incidents and thus supporting my prediction.

While looking to the horizon of dueling, the biggest change dueling is faced with is safety, rather than causing serious harm to the opponent, I discovered that the arrangements of the duel now have massive safety measures and strict rules such as modern day boxers wear headgear, gloves and gumshields, and on the horizon, this trend is due to increase. (Durham, J, 2010) Boxing dangers and safety. This trend has escalated more and more over the years, introducing heavier safety limits to all competitive sports and thus my prediction that health and safety will steadily increase. 


  1. This is not about how the subjects have changed - you need to make a forecast for the next 2-5 years of where your topics will be in terms of popularity and trends and what other influences there will be.

  2. Robert Higgins - Dirty Harry (diesel and dueling)

    Please check the following points in relation to your work:

    You need to run Spell Checker and grammar checker to identify the obvious mistakes, but please make sure you read through your blog posts and any comments to address any other issues and presentation problems. Also - I am pretty sure there is only one "L" in dueling! (Do not forget your Introduction too) - There are a lot of spelling mistakes throughout your blog.

    You must reference images and your sources of information within your pages using (author, date), with your complete reference in your bibliography page.
    Your bibliography also needs to be in alphabetical order by surname.
    Please also remember that Wikipedia is NOT considered an academic resource - please use the original source of information which is usually given on the wiki page.

    You must also reference the sources of your information. For example:
    " The most modern interpretation of duelling are sports, rather than just man vs man, most feature a team vs team."
    Without the reference it is just supposition/opinion and not considered viable research.
    You need to read through all of your research and where possible verify your statements and facts with sources - you do not need to copy any text from these sources unless it helps your arguments, just add the reference to support your statements. (I suggest you colour code all your references so they stand out. (It is also worth if you have time, making those references link to the place where the information is found.))

    Please DO NOT provide us with web links to find your research – referencing allows us to check the authenticity of your examples, but we will not and should not have to follow links – You need to provide the research examples and not links to it... You said: This website: http://www.angelfire.com/on/pyrotechnicalities/

    Make sure you discuss the relevance of your examples in showing the popularity of your topic.

    Make sure your examples are relevant in each section – your research for present is the last 2-5 years at most, but without your references it is difficult for us to verify this.

    Be careful that your research does not get bogged down with too much irrelevant information - you are trying to prove or disprove a popularity for your topic - we do not need to know the back story to each example (unless relevant to your arguments) or have the full quotes from articles (just a small relevant snapshot). We do not however want a list of examples either.

    Where possible, please make sure that all your images link to the place where they were found.

    You need to make sure your blog is formatted and presented well - you have a narrow text window which makes your posts look very long. Your dictionary definitions have odd vertical spacing (add background)
    Make sure quotes are in italics to make them identifiable from the rest of your blog and again reference correctly.

    Ideally at the end of each post draw some conclusions about what you have found: Does the diversity of research material show popularity for your topic, in not only name, but in the various definitions you have looked at? What other conclusions can you draw from your research? Lead us into your next section- E.g. from present into your past topic.

  3. Feedback continued.....
    Introduction: you need to consider diesel and Dueling as topics rather than words and the emphasis on research should be on present day first.
    Present, Past and Horizon: You have some good examples, but make sure you have a minimum of 10-12 examples of media in each section. Make sure you discuss the relevance of these examples. You must reference correctly. Be as diverse as you can with your horizon scanning and comment on how the examples may have relevance to your topic.

    Forecast: This is not about how the subjects have changed - In this section you are making a forecast for the future of what you think will be culturally relevant in the next 2 - 5 years - trying to identify a trend.
    You must use the results from your present, past and Horizon research to DISCUSS and support these ideas. Refer to your research (and reference it again), but you don't have to quote it again unless you feel it is necessary.

    Your still need to complete your referencing, Bibliography, IP opportunity statement and IP Justification.
    Given there is only one week left, it is imperative that you get these points finished before addressing any corrections to your existing research.
